
Regular Decision Notification Dates for the Class of 2028: Your Guide to the Final Countdown

3 Minutes Read

January 2
quickapply blog

Embarking on the Final Phase of College Applications

Welcome to the final stretch of the college application season for the class of 2028. As we approach the Regular Decision (RD) notification dates, it's crucial to stay informed and prepared. This period is not just about waiting for decisions; it's about making strategic moves to ensure a successful end to your application journey.This blog aims to ease your journey through this pivotal phase, offering a comprehensive guide to RD notification dates and tips on utilizing ProDream’s tools for final application refinements.

The Significance of Regular Decision

Regular Decision offers a traditional timeline for college applications, providing students with the opportunity to refine their submissions and consider their choices thoroughly. Unlike Early Decision (ED) and Early Action (EA), RD is non-binding, allowing students the freedom to choose among multiple acceptances.Typically, RD notifications are released between March and April, a period filled with anticipation and, sometimes, anxiety.

The Importance of RD Dates:

Knowing RD notification dates is crucial for planning and mental preparation. This period is not just about waiting but about actively preparing for multiple potential outcomes. It’s also an opportune time for final revisions, ensuring every part of your application shines, including your essays – a crucial component where ProDream can offer significant assistance.

Maximizing Your ProDream Experience:

In these final stages, ProDream is more than just a tool; it's a strategic partner. With features like Essay Evaluation and Chat Edit, you can ensure that your essays and personal statements resonate with your chosen colleges' ethos. Additionally, the Word Limit tool can be invaluable for those final tweaks, ensuring your essays are concise yet impactful.

Regular Decision Notification Dates for 50 Popular Colleges

As promised, here is a comprehensive list of RD notification dates for 50 popular colleges. This information is crucial for planning your next steps once the decisions start rolling in.

RankCollege/University Notification Date
1Princeton University Late March 2024
2Harvard University Late March 2024
3Columbia University Early April 2024
4Massachusetts Institute of Technology Mid-March 2024
5Yale University April 1, 2024
6Stanford University Early April 2024
7University of Chicago Late March 2024
8University of Pennsylvania April 1, 2024
9Northwestern University March 2024
10Duke University Late March/Early April 2024
11Johns Hopkins University March 20, 2024
12California Institute of Technology Mid-March 2024
13Dartmouth College Late March/Early April 2024
14Brown University Early April 2024
15University of Notre Dame Late March 2024
16Vanderbilt University Late March 2024
17Cornell University Early April 2024
18Rice University April 1, 2024
19Washington University in St. Louis April 1, 2024
20University of California–Los Angeles Late March 2024
21Emory University April 1, 2024
22University of California–Berkeley Late March 2024
23University of Southern California April 1, 2024
24Georgetown University April 1, 2024
25Carnegie Mellon University No later than April 1, 2024
26University of Michigan–Ann Arbor Early April 2024
27Wake Forest University April 1, 2024
28University of Virginia April 1, 2024
29Georgia Institute of Technology Early March 2024
30New York University April 1, 2024
31Tufts University April 1, 2024
32University of North Carolina–Chapel Hill March 31, 2024
33University of Rochester April 1, 2024
34University of California–Santa Barbara Mid-March 2024
35University of Florida February 23, 2024
36University of California–Irvine March 2024
37Boston College No later than April 1, 2024
38University of California–San Diego March 31, 2024
39University of California–Davis Mid-March 2024
40Boston University Late March 2024
41Brandeis University April 1, 2024
42Case Western Reserve University March 16, 2024
43College of William and Mary April 1, 2024
44Northeastern University April 1, 2024
45Tulane University April 1, 2024
46University of Wisconsin–Madison March 31, 2024
47Villanova University April 1, 2024
48University of Illinois–Urbana-Champaign Early March 2024
49University of Texas–Austin March 1, 2024
50Lehigh University Late March 2024

Strategies for Post-Notification:

Once the notifications start rolling in, it’s essential to have a strategy. Whether you're celebrating acceptances, considering waitlist options, or regrouping from rejections, remember that each decision is a step toward your future. Use this time to compare offers, revisit your priorities, and make informed choices about your education path.

Conclusion: Embracing the Journey

The journey to college is multifaceted and often challenging, but it’s also an opportunity for growth and learning. As you navigate the RD notification period, remember to stay optimistic and proactive. Your future is bright, and with the right tools and mindset, you’re well-equipped to embrace it.